maandag 9 maart 2009

rash! LOOK I LIKE a Celeb!

heeey girls, here the results of the
game-i-LOOK LIKE a Celeb! many
people have gestemt and can only 1 winner! Here you see the scores:

sure you see the Scoring who won.
So the winner of the i-LOOK-LIKE Comp is .........
! Habbosim100!
Congratulations to you is the most votes
and stephaniiee_xx has become the 2nd
also, congratulations!

habbosim100!! as
vanessa anne hudgens:

stephaniiee_xx as
Vanessa anne hudgens:
habbosim100 wins:
a superstar gift
team member of the blog More-HOTbuys
a cool desinger dress that you may choose to
(that you get later this week)
stephaniiee_xx wins: a superstar gift
More-club manager HOTbuys
What dress do you want here you can pick

3 opmerkingen:

  1. danje hayleigh1998 =D
    ik kies jurk nummer hmm ik wil wel die LE stof voor de jurk als dat kan maar ik hoop dat ik dan mag kiezen =P

